
Relationships Education

Statutory Guidance for Relationships and Sex Education  


Key Information for teaching of PSHRE at OHA

  • In every year group at the start of every half term, a recap of learning from previous years must take place to assess prior knowledge and understanding before introducing new learning outlined on this grid.
  • Where needed, themes can be revisited.
  • In addition, where the teacher deems them necessary for the needs of the class, themes from other year groups can be covered in order to address needs.
  • ‘Being Safe’ strands of learning are embedded throughout topics and written in red on this document.
  • Basic First Aid is repeated each year.
  • A lesson outlining the main themes of BV will be taught at the beginning of each year. These are also revisited regularly in assembly time.
  • Each PSHRE lesson should be linked to the BV that have been covered within it.
  • Human reproduction is included but only as far as coverage outlined in the NC for science.