Academy Day
Ocker Hill Academy is open from 7.45 am to 4.30 pm and until 3.30 pm on Friday.
The Academy Breakfast Club operates a daily service run by staff that work in the Academy which means the staff are familiar to the pupils who attend.
Breakfast Club opens from 7.45 am daily and can be accessed through the front gate. Pupils are provided with a choice of breakfast and drink and then take part in activities.
Doors open to admit all pupils at 8.30 am in prepare on for the official start of the Academy day at 8.50 am. Pupils should be in class no later than 9.00 am.
Morning break starts at 10.30 am for twenty minutes and the lunch break is from midday to 1.05 pm
Lessons officially end at 3.30 pm
After School Clubs are provided on site from Monday to Thursday each week.
Tutoring sessions are also offered to some pupils at this time of the academy day.
The Academy is open 8.75 hours per day Monday to Thursday and 7.75 hours on Friday. This totals 42.75 hours per week.